How to create your content

How to create your content

To create your content, let’s first go over the different items that you can add in each of your steps then learn how to add a step in your journeys.

Overview of a step

Similarly to real life, a step is something that the subject of your journey, the employee, needs to accomplish in order to move forward in their journey. Any step can be made up of 7 different items. Those items are:

  • Content Builder: The content builder is the item to use when you want to use a lot of text, photos, or other pieces of content that you feel will help convey how great your company is. 
  • Smart form: The smart form will allow you to ask questions during a journey. There are several question components ranging from ratings to multiple-choice to essay questions.
  • Event Reminder: This item allows you to remind people of an event, like a check-in. When you first build your step with this item, you can put an estimated date, but the person who receives the reminder can change the date to fit their own schedule.
  • Communication: This item is an awesome tool when you want to encourage your managers to send a message. You can write out a pre-written message that the person can fire off at a press of a button or they can edit and make their own message once they receive the step. 
  • Embed URL: This item allows you to add PDFs to your journeys. Need one of your mentors to look over the mentor handbook? This will allow you to send that handbook in an easy to read, and access, way.
  • Confirmation: There’s a lot of things and people that go into great onboarding. This item helps ensure all those things get done by the right person. It presents a checklist for people to confirm they have done everything.
  • Record Video: This item allows people to record a video of themselves for you to watch later. This is ideal if you want to learn about someone in a more face-to-face way.
How to add steps to a Journey

Every great journey starts with a great first step. Whether you’re creating a blank journey or editing existing templates, making sure your steps stand out is a great way to get your employees engaged when they’re going through the journey.

To add a step to a journey, first open the journey editor via the pencil icon. Then hover over the large blue + button on the lower left-hand side of the screen. You will then get the option to add a “team step” or an “employee step”. 

A team step will allow you to assign that step to one of your team members, while the employee step will assign it to the employee who will be the main person going through the journey. After you select which step you want to add, you’ll then be able to create your content.

Creating your content can be a great way to show off what makes your company awesome! To start creating your content within a step, simply drag and drop one of the items from the toolbar. Once you have decided which items will work best for you, you can start adding your content to them.

Create your very own engaging content by dragging and dropping the components you want. For example, if you want to tell an inspirational story, you’ll want to use the content builder’s text component. If you want to get to know someone a bit better, you should use the smart form item to access its question components.