

To create your content, let’s first go over the different items that you can add in each of your steps then learn how to add a step in your journeys.

Adding a placeholder to a component

We took a lot of manual work out of customizing processes by implementing placeholders to enhance the personalization of each step. 

The placeholder option can be found in areas where you can edit text, like the notifier message, the text component, the communication item and a few others. To add a placeholder, simply click on the placeholders button. Several options will appear, some in drop-down menus, so feel free to go through and find the exact information you’d like to add. 

The placeholder will fill in once the message is sent, so even though it may look strange at first, rest assured that the proper information will be there when the message is sent.

Mapping an employee’s response

While asking questions to the employees going through your journeys, you can use functionality that fills in their profile with their answers. For example, if you wanted a new hire to write a short bio for their headline, you can use a short answer component and map it so that their answer appears in their profile.

To do this you’ll need to start by using a component that has the “Map Data” functionality. A few examples of components that allow these are:

  • Multiple choice
  • Short answer
  • Long answer
  • Dropdowns 

After you have decided which question component will best serve the info you want mapped to their profile, go and click on the “Map Data” icon. You will be presented with two drop down menus. One if for the category, either Employee Profile or Journey, and the other is the possible destinations attached to the selected category. 

Once you have selected the category and the destination, simply click “create” and the data will be mapped once the question is answered.